Monday, April 11, 2011

who am i?

Hello world. I'm Kerezma. Yes, like the word. And yes, I DO have a lot of Charisma. I get that question wayy too much, so now you know. I'm a second year criminology major. I want to pursue law in the near future. I'm not entirely sure what I want to do. I'm not one of those people that has my life all planned out ahead of me. All I know is I want to be someone that my family can look up to and be proud of. I'm from Lansing, Illinois and I am extremely close to my family. Leaving home for a school 6 hours away was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Ultimately leaving was a real test of independence and will (for me, at least). I have a 13 year-old terror of a brother who I talk to more than some of my close friends. I also have a 5 year-old sister who is so much like me, it's scary. I'm basically obsessed with my sibs. I draw most of my inspiration from my mother who is basically my best friend. (clichéd I know, but true story). 

Why did I go Greek?
My journey to becoming a sorority woman had definitely had it's ups and downs. Ultimately, though, I ended up in a chapter full of women that I love and respect. I am not the typical "sorority girl" from tv and movies. I'm not rich, snooty, slutty, or dumb so I often get asked why I joined a sorority. My answer to that, in the most intelligent terms I can think of is this:  Alpha Chi Omega has been one of the best things I have done since coming to college. Never have I been involved with a group of women who represent so much of what I stand for. No one is perfect and no sorority is perfect. But, I have found in A Chi O sisters who truly care for and love one another. I felt a little lost my sophomore year and joining a sorority (this sorority in particular) has helped to re-invigorate the leadership aspects that I already posses. Not only has my sorority stimulated my potential, it has been a source of joy, laughter, tears, and FUN. Basically, Alpha Chi Omega was everything I was looking for in a sorority and I have gained so much more than I thought I would. 

How am I feeling?

and to end with a quote about change:
"He who rejects change is the architect of decay.  The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery"

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