I found this article in the LA Times http://articles.latimes.com/2001/sep/10/news/mn-44105/4
Despite this article being over 10 years old, I still find it relevant and thought-provoking. The article is basically about the fact that a well-qualified black woman kept getting rejected from the rush program for the all-white sororities on campus. I cannot imagine why this girl would not be accepted into any of the 15 sororities she rushed. Considering the fact that no black man or woman has ever gotten into a white sorority of fraternity at the University of Alabama (2001) , I guess this is not odd. There are of course historically black fraternities and sororities on the campus (that in fact have white members), but I don't think a person's skin color should limit what type or the number of sororities he or she can join.
Being in Alpha Chi Omega I am one of very few black of mixed raced women in my sorority. PHA is overwhelmingly dominated by white women. However I reject the term "white sorority", a term that has been mentioned to me multiple times. People often ask me why i decided to join a PHA sorority and not a NPHC sorority, as if I have to justify my decision. I have nothing against any NPHC but chose to rush a council that had a more structured and open rush program that made me more comfortable with the entire process.
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